Best Kept Secret Unveiled…FHA 203K

Becoming aware of the loan called FHA 203K and Rebuild USA is a great opportunity for buyers to purchase distressed property and renovate them in a single loan with a single closing. Since 80% of the homes in America are twenty years old or older, this type of loan can be quite beneficial. FHA 203K features several aspects:

  1. Providing funds for purchasing,

    Distressed Property

    refinancing or renovating the property.

  2. Easier to qualify.
  3. Requires 3.5% down payment.
  4. Loan is backed by the Federal Government.
  5. Owner occupant only.
  6. And many more advantages.

This becomes a win-win opportunity for homeowners to purchase a distressed property or foreclosure and make these renovations after closing. For further information visit

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